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text » Mortal Kombat 3 Guide, walkthrough , cheat codes, hints and secrets.


Arcade, Super Nintendo, PC, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, Sega Master System, Game Gear, PlayStation, Game Boy,
Also available on PlayStation 2, GameCube and X-Box as part of Midway Arcade Treasures 2, on PSP as part of Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play, and on PC as part of Midway Arcade Treasures: Deluxe Edition.

Release Dates:

Arcade: April 1st, 1995.
Super Nintendo: 1995.
PC: 1995.
Sega Genesis: 1995.
Sega Saturn: 1996.
Sega Master System: 1996.
Game Gear: 1996.
PlayStation: November, 1995.
Game Boy: 1995.


Playable Kombatants:
(Hidden Kombatants not included)
Arcade, Super Nintendo: 14: First 3 rows of the select screen minus Smoke.

Hidden (Playable) Kombatants:
All Versions (?): Smoke.

Hidden (Non-Playable) Kombatants:
Arcade: Noob Saibot.

Sub-Boss: Motaro.
Boss: Shao Kahn.

Each character can perform 2 Fatalities, Animality, Babality, Friendship and 3 Stage Fatalities.
Aditionally, each character can perform a Mercy pressing (Hold Run) Down, Down, Down, (Release Run) in the third round, to grant the opponent a little bit of health to continue the fight.

Finishers Guidelines:
Friendship: To perform a Friendship, you must not Block in the winning round.
Babality: Same as above.
Animality: (Do all this in the third round) When the "Finish Him/Her!" message appears, perform a Mercy, defeat your opponent again and when a second "Finish Him/Her!" message appears, perform the button combination to perform your kombatant's Animality.

You have been chosen to represent Earth in Mortal Kombat. Be warned. Although your souls are protected against Shao Kahn's evil; your lives are not. I cannot interfere any longer as your Earth is now ruled by the Outworld Gods. These are the words of Raiden.

For centuries Earth has used Mortal Kombat to defend itself against the Outworld's Emeperor Shao Kahn. But, Kahn becomes frustrated by failed attempts at taking Earth through tournament battle. He enacts a plan which began 10,000 years ago.During this time Kahn had a Queen. Her name was Sindel and her young death was unexpected. Kahn's Shadow priests, lead by Shang Tsung, make it so Sindel's spirit would someday be reborn: Not on the Outworld but on the Earth Realm itself. This unholy act gives Shao Kahn to step through the dimensional gates and reclaim his Queen. Thus enabling him to finally seize the Earth Realm.Upon breaching the portal into Earth, Shao Kahn slowly transforms the planet into a part of the Outworld itself.
Kahn strips the Earth of all human life: Claiming every soul as his own. But there are souls which Kahn cannot take. These souls belong to the warriors chosen to represent Earth in a new Mortal Kombat.The remaining humans are scattered through out the planet. Shao Kahn sends an army of fierce Outworld warriors to find and eliminate them.
After the first tournament Sonya Blade turned up missing. Jax then embarked on a rescue mission into the Outworld. He found Sonya being held captive with her nemesis Kano. In freeing Sonya, Jax also frees Kano. Kano then uses the chance to escape arrest. The ultimate advancement in Lin Kuei technology comes with the creation of the first cyber-assasin. They begin converting their human ninjas into soulless machines. But Sub-Zero refuses to take part and is marked for death by his own clan. After winning the first Mortal Kombat and escaping from the Outworld, Liu Kang looks to the future. He begins training a new generation of shaolin alongside Kung Lao. But nothing could prepare them for the unexpected Outworld invasion.


shangtsungShang Tsung
Special Moves:
Single Fireball: B, B, HP
Double Fireballs: B, B, F, HP
Triple Fireballs: B, B, F, F, HP
Triple Ground Fireballs: F, B, B, LK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold LP, D, F, F, D (close)
Fatality 2: Hold LP, R, BL, R, BL (close)
Animality: Hold HP, R, R, R, release HP (sweep)
Babality: R, R, R, LK
Friendship: LK, R, R, D
Stage: Up, Up, B, LP
Cyrax: BL, BL, BL
Jax: F, F, D, LP
Kabal: LP, BL, HK
Kano: B, F, BL
Kung Lao: R, R, BL, R
Liu Kang: D, B, Up, F, D (360° forward)
Nightwolf: Up, Up, Up
Sektor: D, F, B, R
Sheeva: F, D, F, LK
Sindel: B, D, B, LK
Sonya: D + R + LP + BL SG, SN
Sonya: R + BL + LP
Stryker: F, F, F, HK
Sub-Zero: F, D, F, HP
Smoke: D, B, B, LP
Special Moves:
Fireball: F, F, LP
Air Fireball: D, F, LK (while jumping or floating)
Wave Dizzy: F, F, F, HP
Float: B, B, F, HK (Press BL to land)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: R, R, BL, R, BL (sweep)
Fatality 2: R, BL, BL, R + BL (close)
Animality: F, F, Up, HP (close)
Babality: R, R, R, Up
Friendship: R, R, R, R, R, R, Up
Stage: D, D, D, LP

jax Jax
Special Moves:
Bionic Rush: F, F, HK
Single Shot: B, F, HP
Double Shot: F, F, B, B, HP
Ground Smash: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Gotcha Grab: F, F, LP
Backbreaker: BL (in air)
Quadruple Slam: Tap HP after throw while keep holding LP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL, Up, D, F, Up, release BL (close)
Fatality 2: R, BL, R, R, LK (full screen)
Animality: Hold LP, F, F, D, F, then release LP (close)
Babality: D, D, D, LK
Friendship: LK, R, R, LK (outside sweep)
Stage: D, F, D, LP

Special Moves:
Knife Throw: D, B, HP
Knife Uppercut: D, F, HP
Roll: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Strangle Grab: D, F, LP
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold LP, F, D, D, F, release LP (close)
Fatality 2: LP, BL, BL, HK (sweep)
Animality: Hold HP, BL, BL, BL, release HP (close)
Babality: F, F, D, D, LK
Friendship: LK, R, R, HK (outside sweep)
Stage: Up, Up, B, LK

liukangLiu Kang
Special Moves:
High Fireball: F, F, HP - can be done in air too
Low Fireball: F, F, LP
Flying Kick: F, F, HK
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, F, D, D, LK
Fatality 2: hold BL, Up, D, Up, Up, release BL, BL + R
Animality: D, D, Up (sweep)
Babality: D, D, D, HK
Friendship: R, R, R, D + R
Stage: R, BL, BL, LK

Special Moves:
Energy Rings: D, F, LP
Flying Punch: F, B, HP
Leg Grab: D + LP + BL
Bicycle Kick: B, B, D, HK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL + R, Up, Up, B, D (half screen)
Fatality 2: B, F, D, D, R (half screen)
Animality: Hold LP, B, F, D, F, release LP (close)
Babality: D, D, F, LK
Friendship: B, F, B, D + R
Stage: F, F, D, HP

Special Moves:
High Grenade: D, B, HP
Low Grenade: D, B, LP
Baton Throw: F, F, HK
Baton Trip: F, B, LP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, F, D, F, BL (close)
Fatality 2: F, F, F, LK (full screen)
Animality: R, R, R, BL (sweep)
Babality: D, F, F, B, HP
Friendship: LP, R, R, LP
Stage: F, Up, Up, HK

Special Moves:
Harpoon: B, B, LP
Teleport Uppercut: F, F, LK - can be done in air too
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Invisibility: Hold BL, Up, Up, R
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL, Up, Up, F, D (full screen)
Fatality 2: Hold R + BL, D, D, F, Up (sweep)
Fatality 2: Hold BL, D, D, F, Up (sweep)
Animality: D, F, F, BL (full screen)
Babality: D, D, B, B, HK
Friendship: R, R, R, HK (full screen)
Stage: F, F, D, LK

subbySub Zero
Special Moves:
Ice Blast: D, F, LP
Ice Clone: D, B, LP (can be done in air too)
Ice Shower:
Front: D, F, B, HP
Over: D, F, HP
Behind: D, B, F, HP
Slide: B + LP + BL + LK
Slide: B + LP + BL or B + BL + LK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality1: B, B, D, B, R (sweep)
Fatality2: BL, BL, R, BL, R (close)
Animality: hold BL, F, F, Up, Up, release BL (close)
Babality: D, B, B, HK
Friendship: LK, R, R, Up
Stage: B, D, F, F, HK

Special Moves:
Far Bomb Toss: Hold LK, F, F, HK
Near Bomb Toss: Hold LK, B, B, HK
Teleport: F, D, BL - can be done in air too
Green Net: B, B, LK
Air Throw: D, F, BL (Cyrax will become airborne.), LP - to throw
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, D, Up, D, HP (close)
Fatality 2: D, D, F, Up, R (close)
Animality: Up, Up, D, D (close)
Babality: F, F, B, HP
Friendship: R, R, R, Up
Stage: R, BL, R

Special Moves:
Missile: F, F, LP
Heat Seeking Missile: F, D, B, HP
Heat Seeking Missile: D, B, HP - SG
Teleport Punch: F, F, LK (can be done in air too)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: LP, R, R, BL (sweep)
Fatality 2: F, F, F, B, BL (more than half screen)
Animality: F, F, D, Up (close)
Babality: B, D, D, D, HK
Friendship: R, R, R, R, D (half screen)
Stage: R, R, R, D

Special Moves:
Shoulder Ram: F, F, LK
Arrow Shot: D, B, LP
Hatchet Swipe: D, F, HP
Projectile Reflection: B, B, B, HK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL, Up, Up, B, F, release BL, BL (close)
Fatality 2: B, B, D, HP (sweep)
Animality: F, F, D, D (close)
Babality: F, B, F, B, LP
Friendship: R, R, R, D (sweep)
Stage: R, R, BL

Special Moves:
Ground Stomp: B, D, B, HK
Fireball: D, F, HP
Teleport Stomp: D, Up
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: F, D, D, F, LP (close)
Fatality 2: Hold HK, B, F, F, release HK (close)
Animality: R, BL, BL, BL, BL (close)
Babality: D, D, D, B, HK
Friendship: F, F, D, F, start, HP
Stage: D, F, D, F, LP

kunglaoKung Lao
Special Moves:
Hat Throw: B, F, LP
Diving Kick: D + HK (in air)
Spinning Shield: F, D, F, R
Teleport Attack: D, Up
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: R, BL, R, BL, D
Fatality 2: F, F, B, D, HP (close)
Animality: R, R, R, R, BL (close)
Babality: D, F, F, HP
Friendship: R, LP, R, LK (past sweep)
Stage: D, D, F, F, LK

Special Moves:
Tornado Spin: B, F, LK
Fireball: B, B, HP (can be done in air too)
Ground Razor: B, B, B, R
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: D, D, B, F, BL (sweep)
Fatality 2: R, BL, BL, BL, HK (close)
Animality: Hold HP, F, F, D, F, then release HP (close)
Babality: R, R, LK
Friendship: R, LK, R, R, Up
Stage: BL, BL, HK

Special Moves:
Fireball: D, B, HP
Toss: F + LP (close)
Sweep: B + LK
Grab and Smack: F, F, LP
Teleport: D, Up

How to Beat Motaro
Click here and download

shao_khan Shao Kahn
Special Moves:
Hammer: B, F, HP
Fireball: B, B, F, LP
Shoulder: F, F, LP
Upwards Shoulder: F, F, HP
Insult: D, D, LK
Laugh: D, D, HK

Smoke: To unlock Smoke, enter this Ultimate Kombat Code after the Game Over screen:

(From left to right) The following buttons control each box:
Player 1: High Punch, Low Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick - Player 2: High Punch, Low Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick.

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