MKX Glasgow in Scotland had its first tournament with a grand total of 6 entrants. It wasn't very long, the stakes were not high and it had a humongous pot of around £18, a Mortal Kombat X t-shirt and a gold scorpion skin for the PS4. The venue was at Glasgow's very own "Max-XP" and was streamed on Twitch.
1. Bigfool (Tanya - Kobu Jutsu)
2. Scott The Scot (Cassie Cage - SO, Kenshi - Balanced, Sub Zero - GM, Kung Lao - Tempest)
3. Parable Greg (Kung Jin - Bojutsu)
4. Stewart (Sub Zero - Grandmaster)
5. Esler (Kung Jin - Bojutsu)
5. AceJPX (Sub Zero - Grandmaster)
The stream of the whole tournament can be viewed here
The bracket can be viewed here:
MKX Tournament #1 - Challonge